PART 3- Holy Crap Adeline's summer modeling gig landed her in an ad.
Sometime last spring-ish I saw that 11Alive was hosting a cutest baby photo contest. Naturally, I sent in Ms. Baby's picture. This started a whole new adventure for us. She wound up getting picked to go to a modeling open call, which led to other auditions and open calls. Which led to two paid photoshoots. So, this was in July and I asked the lady when would we know if she was picked for the packaging and she said "we have so many new products coming out we can't say, but this should be out sometime in January, so if she is on the shelf at Babies R Us then you will know." Um, ok cool.
So of course I kept browsing online at Babies R Us to see that happy little face. I started looking a little early just in case, to no avail. Then January was here and I gave another look see, AND I SAW MY KID. HEY EVERYBODY! THAT IS MY KID! And by everybody I mean my dad because he was the only one in the room at the time. But still THAT IS MY KID! AHHHHH. When you follow this link to Babies R Us to see her cuteness do not be fooled, she is only in one picture, lying on her tummy. She is NOT in the breastfeeding picture. Thank baby jesus they didn't ask us to do that photoshoot. "Ok, so we are going to give your baby to this half naked stranger so she can pretend to be breastfeeding." I think I just threw up in my mouth a little just typing that. Sorry! But really, how in the heck did they pull that photoshoot off?
The next day my friend Amanda and I took Adeline to Babies R Us to pick up this pillow (which I already had like 3 of in a different brand, and she is totally too big for anyways) but I couldn't resist. We also got her some new clothes for being such an awesome little model. The lady at checkout couldn't believe she was the kid on the box. Naturally Adeline stuck around to sign autographs. What a ham. **
Weeks since I have checked the other new products from her 2nd photoshoot, and so far I am fairly certain they did not use Adeline on the packaging. Their loss! Hey, at least she got paid regardless. I am glad that her savings account is growing and she has stuff to show for it. If she had done one more paid photoshoot though she would have had to pay taxes on the income. I wish I were kidding! Way to be IRS! (I wish 99% of my posts didn't mention what shit our government can be.)
**Obviously the autograph thing was a joke, she is 1, she can't write. Duh
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