Maybe this post is a result of one of my new obsessions, or maybe not.
There are also some new shows I am seeing on tv like this one. Either way, it has started a few conversations with family and friends (well, that post on facebook helped too). So, it took me a second to realize I may be one of the worst preppers around.
But I digress,
Then we had something as simple as the water boil advisory last week and I was like "shit, we have no bottled water at all." So then I felt totally unprepared for anything of any caliber. I sat by my stove staring at two pots of boiling water for like 3 hours like a ding dong.
Not days after we finished drinking our weeks supply of gross boiled tap water (note to self - boil the fridge filtered water next time...idiot) we were skipping up and down the stairs trying to decide if we need to sit out the tornado watches and warnings in the basement. Not that it is hard to chill in a basement, but when you have a pissed off teething toddler that you have to wake up to drag down there and have nothing for her to comfortably sleep on you start to worry who's face she is ripping off first.
Another scenario that would definitely leave us(my family) saying, oh shit now what: gas shortage. This one my dear friends, is so possible, even if fairly temporary. In case you recall this happened a few years ago. Let's say the next one is less temporary. We are so dependent on this, and technology. Imagine even a week with no gas, no phone lines, no internet. I can picture people sitting in their houses thinking, uh what is next? Aside from a portion of the people here in the bible belt running the streets screaming Jesus is coming to get them and handing out pamphlets for the rest of us poor souls. We know what they will be doing, because I just told you.
Don't get me started on the end of the world/zombie apocalypse scenario. I watch far too much tv for that. Let's just say if anything ever came too close to the ol homestead they can expect more than just a pillow fight from the Jones's.
So, are you ready?
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